
News Year 9 Battlefields Trip 27.06.2024

Last Thursday, Year 9 historians embarked on a memorable trip to Belgium and France to visit the key battlegrounds of the First World War.

The early start was worth it as students managed to visit Sanctuary Wood Trenches and the fantastic In Flanders Field interactive museum as well as Tyne Cot and Langemark Cemeteries to consider how the contributions of soldiers have been remembered. In the evening, they were fortunate enough to hear the very moving Last Post Ceremony underneath the iconic Menin Gate. As they were in Belgium, they obviously had to engage in some chocolate shopping too!

On Friday they headed to the Somme where we visited Newfoundland Park to develop their understanding of what happened on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, followed by the Canadian trenches at Vimy Ridge. They visited the Canadian Memorial at Vimy which is a truly stunning monument commemorating those who sacrificed their lives.