
News Year 10 Geography students visit Margam Field Discovery Centre 14.06.2024

Last weekend, the Year 10 geographers stayed at the Margam Discovery Centre, set in a picturesque country park in south Wales. 

On the first afternoon, they embarked on a hike up to the ‘Bro Stone’ on the hill overlooking the centre, mapping their moods along the way. This activity set the tone for a trip full of exploration and learning. The following day, they divided into two groups to gather data for their GCSE fieldwork investigations. One group headed to Cardiff to explore how land use and environmental quality changes from the city centre to Cardiff Bay. They employed various data collection methods, including interviews with members of the public and re-photography where they had to capture current images of specific locations to compare with historical photographs. 

The other group focused on the evolving characteristics of the River Ogmore from its source to its mouth. They gathered a wealth of data, including field sketches, when the weather permitted, and measurements of the river’s velocity. A highlight of the trip was witnessing the students’ growing confidence as they navigated the river, making good use of their wellies and waterproof trousers!

In the evenings, after some classroom sessions, the students took full advantage of the stunning surroundings by strolling around the grounds and visiting the resident goats and alpacas. We look forward to returning next year.