
News Success for Lower School and Sixth Form Physics students 28.03.2024

Congratulations to Sixth Form and Lower School Physics students who received prizes and awards for a number of recent Physics challenges they have taken part in.

In the British Physics Olympiad’s Senior Physics Challenge, we were delighted to learn that Fia and Youan, Lower Sixth, secured Gold and Silver respectively. Additionally, four students earned Bronze 1, six achieved Bronze 2, and one student received a Commendation.

There were also prizes for Lower School students who took part in a number of challenges during STEM Week.

Alex in 8FS won the Rubik’s challenge, having to use a fairly new and difficult to manipulate cube, she managed a time of one minute and ten seconds. A special mention should go to Eva (also in 8FS) who used her own cube and got a fantastic time of 29 seconds. Nayeon in Year 8 won the Physics Poem challenge for her piece ‘Of Mars and Humans’, which painted a realistic picture of life on Mars. Year 7 students Lilly and Shirin were the winners of the Escape Room challenge, managing to avoid a catastrophic asteroid collision in the fastest time.

Well done to all!