
A Level PathwayOption for Sixth Form

The majority of Sixth Form students follow the A Level pathway which is the globally recognised British examination system. A Levels allow for a degree of specialisation with three or four* subjects studied in depth and all the subjects are taught as two-year courses. The subjects offered are:

Ancient History, Fine Art, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Drama and Theatre Studies ,Economics, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, German, Greek, History (Modern and Early Modern), Politics, History of Art, Italian, Latin, Mandarin, Mathematics, Further Mathematics (*studied as one of four or a fifth A Level), Music, Physics, Religious Studies (Philosophy and Religion), and Spanish.

Choosing four A Level subjects initially allows for breath and flexibility as many students will change their mind about their subjects and possible university pathways during the course of the Lower Sixth. If a girl decides to discontinue one of these subjects at the end of the Lower Sixth, that subject will count as academic enrichment on her university application and will be officially reported as a Godolphin and Latymer qualification.

Students also benefit from developing skills and experiences beyond their A Level subjects and will have the opportunity to do this through additional study for the Extended Project Qualification and extra- and super-curricular activities.


The EPQ is an integral part of the Lower Sixth curriculum for A Level students and it encourages students to extend and develop their interests beyond the material covered in the A Level syllabus and to explore their passion for a topic. The EPQ typically involves a 5000-word essay, based on the student’s own research. Alternatively, students may choose to produce an artefact of their choice, eg. a piece of artwork, a musical composition or a piece of creative writing, accompanied by a 2000-word analysis and explanation. All students complete a log, which documents their research journey, and deliver a presentation in the Autumn Term of the Upper Sixth. For many, the project is linked to the subject they are seeking to pursue at university and can form a part of their personal statement.