
News Evensong at St James’s Church 12.10.2023

On Wednesday, the combined forces of the Junior and Senior Chamber Choirs gave their first performance of the academic year, singing evensong at St James’s Church, Sussex Gardens. Under the direction of Mr Chris Langworthy (Director of Music) and accompanied by organist Miss Margaret Edwards (Assistant Director of Music), the choir (numbering fifty pupils) sang Darlington’s challenging Preces and Responses; an evocative and lyrical setting of the Magnificant and Nunc Dimittis by Wayland Rogers; ‘Psalm 91’ (‘Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the most High’) and an exquisite setting of Charles Wesley’s poem ‘Love Divine’, set to music by Howard Goodall.

The choir was in wonderfully fine voice, and the evensong was extremely received both by the congregation and by St. James’s Church, who have already invited the choir back next year! Many congratulations to all involved.