
News Lower School Production of ‘Mary Poppins Jr’ 29.06.2023

Students in Year 8 and Year 9 have astounded audiences with three extraordinary performances of the beloved musical, Mary Poppins Jr, in the Bishop Centre this week.

The three showings were nothing short of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, as the students showcased their talents and brought the cherished family favourite to life. From the stunning harmonies to their commanding stage presence, the young performers left a lasting impression on all who attended. The dedication, teamwork, and camaraderie displayed by the cast, band, and crew both on and off the stage truly made this production an extraordinary spectacle.

Undoubtedly, putting on a show of this magnitude while juggling schoolwork and various commitments requires immense effort. However, the students rose to the occasion and delivered a remarkable performance. Among the standout actors were Hermione Banks, who played our Mary Poppins, and Milo Martin, who captured the essence of Bert with genuine emotion.

Reflecting on the success of the production, one cannot help but recall Mary Poppins‘ iconic line, ‘Anything can happen if you let it!’. The magic and enchantment brought forth by the students will not soon be forgotten and the anticipation is already building for next year’s production.