
News Year 8 Trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace 06.06.2023

Before the May half term, the Classics department organised a fabulous trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace in Sussex for Year 8 pupils. This was an excellent opportunity for academic enrichment as the students had been learning about the palace (and its most famous inhabitant, King Cogidubnus) during their Latin lessons this year.

Pupils took part in a very engaging Roman artefact handling session where they were able to hold and examine various pieces of pottery, bone and masonry. They enjoyed trying to deduce what these items were and what this told us about the Britons and Romans who lived in the vicinity of the palace. During the workshop, some lucky pupils even had the opportunity to model Roman clothing for their peers!

Students also studied the elaborate floor mosaics in the remains of the north wing of the palace, and learnt from museum staff about the surprising (and often rather grisly!) realities of daily life in Roman Britain. They were blessed with beautiful spring weather on the day of the trip, and students were able to spend time in the palace gardens, which are planted according to the original Roman design.