
News Higher Education Preparation Programme 2023 28.04.2023

The end of the week saw Lower Sixth students take part in a series of Higher Education preparation activities, from personal statement writing workshops to EPQ and EE sessions.

The day began with a presentation from Lizzie Geaney from the University of Bath who spoke about writing effective personal statements. This was followed up in the afternoon through subject specific sessions enabling students to begin to craft their statements, showcasing their interest and commitment in their chosen pathway. In addition, Ms Antebi led sessions about the US applications process and students also had the opportunity to join a session on applying to Oxford and Cambridge. There was also time to further consider Extended Projects and Extended Essays which enables pupils to demonstrate their research skills and independence in developing their work – a key attribute universities are keen to hear about.

We hope the Lower Sixth are enthused to explore the exciting options open to them and look forward to supporting them as they make decisions about their Higher Education pathways.