
News Spring Instrumental Concert 27.04.2023

The Spring Instrumental Concert was held over from the end of last term, delayed as a result of industrial action on the London Underground. Despite the inevitable issues which arise from a concert taking place so close to academic examinations, the concert was a great success, with a range of talent from across the age range, from quartets to orchestras.

The String Ensemble opened with Max Richter’s take on Vivaldi’s Seasons, followed by the Philharmonia’s rendition of The Barber of Seville. The Percussion Ensemble wowed us with their ensemble and their light-up drumsticks, and the brass players had us tapping our feet to Fiddler on the Roof. Two impressively accomplished chamber ensembles from Years 9 and 11 flanked the Concert Band, conducted by Upper Sixth student Cassie, and the concert concluded with highly polished performances of Haydn, Schubert and Loesser (Guys and Dolls) from the Symphony Orchestra, led for the last time by Isabell.

Congratulations to all involved for an amazing evening of instrumental music.