
News Model United Nations Conference at Westminster School 23.02.2023

During half term, students from Years 10 to the Lower Sixth took part in Westminster School’s biennial Model United Nations conference which focused on the important theme of ‘Human Rights for All’.

Godolphin represented Brazil and South Africa, and over two days, students researched and discussed a huge range of interesting and relevant topics such as human rights for conscious AI and climate refugees. For many of our students this was their first MUN conference so it was great to see them growing in confidence over the weekend and participating fully in their committees. The conference was unusual in including different styles of committees, such as the Human Rights Council and the International Court of Justice, with more emphasis on investigation and collaboration. Participants were also fortunate enough to hear from Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Boyd-Carpenter, whose wide-ranging talk shared his expertise on the role of the UN and NATO in preventing and resolving conflict.

Thank you very much to all at Westminster School involved in organising this enjoyable and intellectually engaging conference.