
News Geography Society Talk: Old Dolphin Coco Huggins 26.01.2023

On Tuesday we welcomed an Old Dolphin Coco Huggins (Class of 2015), back to school to deliver a talk to the Sixth Form Geography Society. 

Coco is a second year PhD student at the University of Cambridge, researching whether Britain is experiencing (neo-) Dickensian social conditions, attitudes and public discourse surrounding work and welfare. The talk illustrated the potential of Geography for interdisciplinary study and challenged students to rethink what we might consider to be ‘traditional’ in the field. As Coco is currently advising the Government Department for Work and Pensions, it also demonstrated the real-world application and continued relevance of the subject.

When Coco was at Godolphin, she won the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Young Geographer of the Year award in Middle School for a project about the London Olympic Park. She has maintained links with the RGS and is now a Geography Ambassador, visiting schools to promote the study of Geography at university. Her question-and-answer session at the end of her talk gave some fantastic insights about the breadth of academic geography alongside tips on how to prepare an application to university.