
News MUN Conference at London Oratory School 01.12.2022

On Saturday, students attended the first MUN conference of the academic year at London Oratory School in Fulham.

Students from across the UK gathered to discuss important topics from the rights of asylum seekers to the prevention of armed conflict in space. Godolphin represented Cuba, Senegal and Brazil giving our delegates a range of perspectives and positions in debates. Students were also lucky enough to hear from ITV news journalist Julie Etchingham, who spoke on her experience of interviewing public figures and chairing events such as the televised leaders’ debates. She also gave some practical public speaking advice for the students to put into practice.

Well done to Noor in Year 11 and the Cuba delegation who were awarded ‘Highly Commended’ in the General Assembly debate over Venezuela, and to Sophie in the Lower Sixth who was awarded ‘Highly Commended’ for representing Cuba in the UNODC committee. Thank you to The London Oratory School for hosting another super conference!