
News A Level Results 2022 18.08.2022

Many congratulations to our A Level students who have achieved excellent and well-deserved exam results this summer despite the pandemic-related challenges of the last few years. An incredible 90.9% of all grades were awarded A*/A.

Over 95% of students have secured places at their first-choice university on a wide range of courses including Architecture, Art History, Biochem, Biomed, Business Management, Chemistry, Classics, English Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Liberal Arts, Modern Foreign Languages, Psychology, Philosophy, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience, Veterinary Medicine and Zoology.

The range of institutions is broad including Oxford and Cambridge and many Russell Group universities as well as US destinations including Yale, Princeton, Chicago and Columbia.

The Head, Dr Frances Ramsey, congratulated the students:

‘I am so immensely proud of all our Upper Sixth students who have shown such great resilience and determination whilst studying hard to secure places on their chosen university courses.  We are delighted to send them off from Godolphin to a wide range of competitive institutions in the UK and overseas. I would also like to thank the teachers who have worked tirelessly over the past two years to support our students. I wish the Class of 2022 all the very best as they move on and I look forward to welcoming them as members of our community of Old Dolphins.’