
News Geography Field Trips 16.06.2022

Last week the Geography department took Year 10 geographers out on two trips last week, one urban investigation and one river investigation.

Ms Lloyds led the urban investigation, which saw the students walk along a transect from Hammersmith Broadway to Chiswick. They spent the day mapping the land use of every building and used architectural features to determine the age of the buildings. The also looking at variations in building height and environmental quality, hypothesising that distance from Hammersmith Broadway would have a significant impact. Interviews with members of the public were a little daunting at times but revealed some unexpected and fascinating views and opinions, mostly to do with traffic congestion along King Street!

Ms Sutherland led the rivers investigation. For this, we travelled down to the River Tillingbourne and used our new fieldwork equipment to measure the width, depth and velocity, from which we can work out how the discharge of the river varies with distance from the source. Students also measured the wetted perimeter to work out the channel efficiency, and the bed load size and shape. The groups were all fantastic and it was a pleasure to be out in the field collecting data again, seeing how the processes we study in class apply in real life is such a vital part of Geography education.