
News International Women’s Day 2022 11.03.2022

We marked International Women’s Day with our first whole school assembly in almost two years, while members of the Godolphin Feminist Society gave a talk to students at St Paul’s Boys School. 

We first heard from the Student Council who informed students that, after recent discussions with the school, sanitary products would now be freely available to those who need them. Our House Captains then spoke about the inspirational women our Houses are named after: Lara Bassi, Ada Lovelace, Wangari Maathai, Sarojini Naidu, Kate Sheppard and Hallie Quinn Brown. Reminding students of our upcoming House Lip-sync battle, the House Captains finished the assembly with a fitting rendition of ‘Man! I Feel Like a Woman’.

On Thursday, Year 11 and Lower Sixth members of the student-led Feminist Society attended the joint Fem Soc event run at St Paul’s School, along with students from St Paul’s Girls. Following an introductory talk on #breakthebias, highlighting key issues from the 2022 International Women’s Day platform, the students connected in small groups, discussing some of the imbalance present in fields as diverse as sport, medicine and corporate business. A final Q and A allowed all the students to share their views and it was inspiring to hear from them as they challenged the systemic bias faced by women, shared their own experiences and forged connections across their respective schools to allow them to grow and develop this conversation in the future.