
News Clutch of awards for Year 11 and Lower Sixth physicists in Physics Olympiad 02.03.2022

Just before half-term, Year 11 and Lower Sixth physicists ventured into the exciting world of the Physics Olympiad. Both were exciting extra-curricular opportunities to extend the horizons of our outstanding students.

Lower Sixth students completed the Senior Physics Challenge Online at the end of January, while our Year 11 students completed the Intermediate Physics Challenge Online at the beginning of February. Despite both proving to be quite demanding tests, they brought home a mix of awards. All our students achieved a Bronze award or above, and over 60% achieved a Silver Award in both Challenges, a testament to the amazing work of our girls.

A special mention to Suri, Emmie, Isabella and Sara who achieved a Gold Award. We are proud of the resilience and determination shown by all of those who completed it, persevered and worked hard through every single question.