
News Speed Dating and Working Lunch 25.02.2022

On Friday, the Upper Sixth shared their higher education know-how with their Lower Sixth peers at our ‘speed dating’ event before we welcomed current parent and investment banker Gabe Lucano to speak at our Futures Working Lunches.

Loosely grouped by subjects, the Lower Sixth had free rein to start up conversation with their Upper Sixth peers who imparted their knowledge on the higher education application process, degrees, and university choices. The Lower Sixth found the experience invaluable and the Upper Sixth certainly enjoyed adopting the role of mentors.

Later that afternoon a handful of students heard from Gabe Lucano at our Futures Working Lunches. Gabe, who has over 20 years of experience in advisory, general management, operational turnaround, investment banking and corporate finance, spoke to students about his rich career history which has spanned multiple continents; his choices after leaving school; and gave some excellent advice for students to follow their passions.