
News Bridge Booster Sessions 03.09.2021

The last week of summer saw the Bridge children in school for their Booster Weeks. Run by Keystone Tutors as part of their outreach provision, the children were taught English, Maths and Communication Skills in small groups of twelve. Communication Skills was a particular highlight for many of the students, where they learned skills such as PARE (Pause, Analyse, Reason, Explain) to help them answer questions in an interview situation. 

 All students made great progress in English and Maths through the week and we were impressed with the focus and drive shown by this year’s cohort. The learning stands them in good stead for the new term in Year 6, and equips those that are considering applying to selective schools with the skills they need to access entrance exams and interviews. But, more than this, they really bonded as a group, with bridge children from different primaries working, learning and playing together all week. We are indebted to the six Keystone tutors who offered their time to teach the Bridge children, and to Mr Martin and the Premises team for finding classroom space within a very busy summer building schedule.