
News Higher Education Preparation Programme 11.06.2021

The Lower Sixth have been engaging in a series of Higher Education preparation activities this week.

We were delighted to welcome communications company Turn of Phrase who prepared students for their EPQ presentations and the possibility of university or careers based interviews by building confidence in public speaking. In addition, Trinity College Dublin joined us to lead a session on the Irish application process and we were fortunate to have Old Dolphins share their insights into the world of medicine.

Lower Sixth students also had the opportunity to speak to Old Dolphins Linnea and Georgina, currently studying at Brown University and Wesleyan University in the United States. Prospective US applicants asked questions about the universities’ Open Curriculum and the flexibility it offers students while pursuing their diverse interests. They also learned about the extensive course and research offerings available to undergraduate students, as well as the diversity on campus.

As part of the Programme, Mrs Antebi also ran meetings for girls interested in studying in the US, Canada, and Europe, sharing advice and information about the different application requirements. Next week, our US applicants will have the opportunity to meet with the Deputy Director of Admissions at The University of Chicago, who will offer an online session on highly selective admissions in the US and the role of the college essays in the holistic application process.

Students also attended bespoke university preparation sessions, allowing them to experience their chosen subjects on a deeper level, including in those subjects not routinely taught at school such as Psychology and Law.

The Lower Sixth have ended the week enthused and ready to explore their higher education options in more depth.