
News Maria Publishes Creative Portfolio 07.05.2021

Sixth Form student Maria has had her Spanish and French creative writing pieces that she produced between Year 9 – Upper Sixth published into a Creative Portfolio.

The portfolio, compiled of stories, flash fiction, poems, short plays and other creative pieces of work, all started with a single piece of homework. Maria was asked to write a short essay about a holiday to Sevilla, but before she knew it, the short essay had turned into a series of diary entries where each one was longer than the last.

Speaking in the foreword, Maria said, ‘I realised how much I could do with a limited knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in a language. I found that writing creatively in Spanish and French was a superb way to combine my interests. My attempts to deconstruct and reconstruct some of their building blocks were, ultimately, what led to my love for linguistics.

I had to not planned to put all my work together at the end, but am thrilled to have this portfolio to remind me of some my best times at Godolphin and Latymer. That includes the wonderful trips to Salamanca and Granada, which were two major sources of emotion and inspiration.’