
News Extended Project Qualification and Extended Essay Celebration Evening 12.11.2020

The annual Upper Sixth Celebration Evening took place on Tuesday afternoon, marking the year-group’s tremendous success in completing a stunning array of personal research projects. The fruits of almost ten months of individual research, both the Extended Project Qualification, completed by A Level students, and Extended Essay, completed by IB students, are a highlight in the calendar for students and staff alike. The opportunity to celebrate these exceptional individual achievements also marked something of a homecoming for the year-group who had, of course, completed a significant amount of their research while working remotely between March and July. Gathering together again with so many of the teachers who had supported them on this journey, the evening was as much a celebration of the purpose and enthusiasm with which the year-group have tackled all aspects of their learning over the past few months as it was of their fantastic achievements in completing these essays and projects to such an impressively high standard.

The evening began with introductory speeches from Dr Ramsey and Old Dolphin Kate Packenham (Class of 1993), Theatre Producer and Executive Director of the WOW (Women of the World) Foundation. This was followed by an opportunity to learn from each student about their individual projects, from feminist philosophy to Russian literature to bilingualism and cognitive development to the use of computer programmes to aid poker players, before finishing with warm thanks to all those supervisors who supported the girls in bringing their projects to completion.

Extended Project Qualification and Extended Essay Celebration Evening