
News KILD Sneakers 03.09.2020

With the usual extra-curricular and creative activities being scaled back during lockdown, many of our students found new ventures and projects for their creative energies. Issey in the Upper Sixth tells us about her business initiative, KILD sneakers:

‘During lockdown I found myself with a lot of spare time. It was the first time in years that I didn’t have choirs, clubs and rehearsals after school and during lunchtime and I definitely missed these creative activities. As a result, my best friend and I decided to start our own sneaker customisation business. Over the past year I had developed an interest in the design process, collaboration, and the variety of colourways that all make up the sneaker world. This is an interest that I share with my best friend and we both love art as well and wanted to combine those two passions of ours. 

As a result, we created KILD sneakers. It is a bespoke shoe customisation service where we take any leather as well as some canvas shoes and hand paint any design that the customer can think of. In the past we have created figures from The Incredibles, Keith Harring inspired designs, pucci print, colour blocking and more, for both boys and girls. No two shoes are the same and we pride ourselves on creating original pieces tailored to the customers’ ideas. 

This business has been an amazing and exciting lockdown opportunity and I have enjoyed every moment of it. It has been a fantastic creative outlet during this difficult time and definitely provided me with a fun challenge to replace my extra-curricular activities.

We are now designing our first website so we hope to see the business grow once this is launched and plan to donate some of our profits to charity as well as doing specific designs for various charitable causes.

If you have any enquiries then please do not hesitate to contact me via email (kildsneakers@gmail.com) or check out our instagram for some more photos @kildsneakers.’