
News IB Results 2020 07.07.2020

Many congratulations to our International Baccalaureate students on their superb results. The IB Class of 2020 achieved an outstanding average point score of 41.3: 73.3% of students were awarded a minimum of 40 points and three students were awarded the maximum score of 45 points (achieved by only 0.4% of all candidates globally). These results are testament to the dedication and skill of each student and all the teachers who supported them.

We are delighted that as a result of their tremendous efforts this cohort can now take up their places at a range of competitive UK universities including: Bristol, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Imperial, St Andrew’s and UCL. In addition, this year we have eight IB students successfully enrolled at US universities, including Brown, Chicago, Dartmouth, Duke, Georgetown and Yale, all of which are ranked among the top national colleges and universities in the United States.