
News Oxbridge Sessions with Partner Schools 03.07.2020

This week the Higher Education and Careers department have been hosting remote Oxbridge training sessions with our partner schools: Greenford High, Kensington Aldridge Academy, Sacred Heart and Hammersmith Academy.

Students enjoyed sessions in Maths, English, Chemistry, Biology and Biomedical Science, Geography, Theology and Philosophy over the course of the week, with our Oxbridge Applications Coordinator and Head of Philosophy, Mr Higgins, enjoying some fantastic discussion with students from Sacred Heart and Hammersmith Academy on Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’.  There were interview and admissions test preparation questions with students also given the opportunity to ask staff their experiences of studying at Oxford and Cambridge.

Students from Greenford High sent some lovely feedback on the sessions which you can read below:

‘Going to this meeting made more confident and made me realise the importance of speaking my mind and verbal logical reasoning. You were very welcoming and I was not afraid to make mistakes. Thank you!’ – Reve

‘It helped me with answering interview questions in regards to bioethics and the thought process required to answer a question. It also helped me to be able to work in a group to come to an answer for a question.’ – Anisa

‘The session today was useful since we went over questions that would be in either admissions tests or in interviews. We also asked a couple questions after regarding her experiences studying aerospace engineering at Cambridge and what lead her to studying it to PHD level. Overall, I enjoyed it and I wanted to thank you for organising it since it was a great help.’ – Alda,

‘I found the session today very useful. We were going through maths/physics questions and had to explain our thought process behind approaching a question as well as explaining our reasoning. This helped give me an idea of what a Cambridge maths interview and the supervisions would be like.’ – Jay