
News Lower Sixth Medics, Dentists and Vets Benefit from Old Dolphin Experience and Expertise 11.06.2020

Last week the Higher Education and Careers Department were delighted to be able to invite the Lower Sixth aspiring medics, dentists and vets to a video conference led by eleven Old Dolphins as part of the Higher Education Preparation Programme. Without the option of attending university open days this year, the Old Dolphins offered the Lower Sixth an invaluable insight into university life at Cambridge, Imperial College, St. Andrews, Nottingham, Newcastle and Bristol. They also generously reflected on their own very individual experiences of the application process and how they overcame the challenges they faced. Read about the Lower Sixth’s experience below.  

‘I have been bracing myself for a very busy Autumn Term, but now feel somewhat reassured having had the opportunity to raise my concern with the Old Dolphins. It was incredibly useful to hear about their experience of balancing the demands of a medical application alongside the IB diploma, and how all the amazing support on offer at Godolphin translates into the Upper Sixth.’

‘While some students may know exactly what teaching style or university suits them, there are a variety of course styles and universities that appeal to me. The Old Dolphins offered me a snapshot of life at their university and helpfully answered my questions from a student’s perspective. I have no doubt that I’ll be drawing on their insight to shortlist my four universities – a task that once seemed impossible.’

‘Applying to Oxford or Cambridge to study Medicine can be daunting. Online statistics about acceptance rates and the anticipation of a demanding academic interview are hardly encouraging. However, hearing one Old Dolphin’s realistic and encouraging advice on preparing to apply to study Medicine at Cambridge has given me confidence in my approach and hope for the future.’