
News CREST Awards 04.06.2020

Congratulations to Charlotte, Isha, Nadia and Aurelia in Years 11 and the Lower Sixth who achieved their Silver CREST award for their science research projects.

CREST is a nationally recognised scheme for student-led project work in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) that encourages young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. Throughout the year students from Year 11 and the Lower Sixth have designed and completed their own science research projects outside of their curriculum. This has given them a unique opportunity to develop valuable skills such as project management and creative independent thinking.

This year the Physics Department supervised two very exciting student-led projects, ‘Investigating the effectiveness of sunscreen when changing their thickness and prices’ by Charlotte, Isha and Nadia, and ‘Testing water quality in London’ by Aurelia. The assessors who reviewed the projects were impressed by the ‘highly relevant social concern’ and the ‘level of insight and integrity’ shown in the projects.

Congratulations to all four students for achieving their Silver CREST Awards.