
News Godolphin provides PPE to frontline key workers 08.04.2020

Thanks to the help of Old Dolphin, Caoimhe (Class of 2015), and our local MP, Ruth Cadbury, we are absolutely delighted to have linked up with Certitude, one of London’s leading adult social care providers, to supply 135 pairs of our protective laboratory goggles to staff in care homes in Hounslow.

Certitude works with over 1500 people across 12 London boroughs who have learning disabilities, autism, mental health support needs and their families and carers. Melissa Layton, Head of Service at Certitude (pictured), distributed the vital personal protective equipment (PPE) straight to frontline staff. “These will provide reassurance to our staff who may need to work with people who have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus or have symptoms. Any goggles that we have spare will be distributed around the network of organisations in the borough that employ care workers in residential or care settings.”

Ruth Cadbury MP thanked the school whilst highlighting concerns about the availability of PPE equipment, “whilst Hounslow care workers have adequate supplies of PPE for now, I understand that this doesn’t include eye protection so the goggles are incredibly useful”.

Dr Frances Ramsey, Head of Godolphin and Latymer, said, “We are delighted to support Certitude by providing essential equipment at this difficult time. The staff at Certitude are looking after some of the most vulnerable people in our community and we hope that the goggles will help keep them safe”.