
News Challenge Your Limits Week: Activities 12.03.2020

There were plenty of opportunities for girls to take part in Challenge Your Limits Week with a number of events that centred on individual, environmental and economic well-being, as well as looking at the bigger picture of well-being for the whole of society.

On Monday and Wednesday, our very own groundsman Neville offered students a chance to earn their green fingers by propagating their own plant and learning how beneficial gardening can be to us individuals. During form time on Tuesday, girls discovered the silversmith within them in a special jewellery making workshop and Mrs Newell, the ever-helpful and smiling face behind our Reception desk, provided Lower and Middle School students with an opportunity to take part in cupcake decorating classes. In keeping with the week’s key themes students worked up a sweat on our smoothie bikes and created their own environmentally sustainable treats using only pedal power to operate the blender. Smoothies were sold for 50p if you brought your own reusable cup or bottle (and £1 without) and all proceeds went to the Raising and Giving Team’s chosen charity for the week, the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust. There were more opportunities for girls to challenge their physical limits with ‘Just Dance’ on Wednesday and Friday lunch time as well as Thursday’s Taskmaster event that tested the girls’ initiative and lateral thinking skills to complete a series of bizarre tasks to earn House points.

The excitement was palpable on Friday as small, friendly and furry animals with everything from dogs to guinea pigs, rabbits to chicks, visited the school.