
News Year 7 Christmas Play 06.12.2019

Year 7 students have been spending their Drama, Music and PE lessons this half term exploring Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Thursday night saw a colourful and energetic adaptation of the stage play performed to an audience of over 300 family members.

Over the course of the rehearsals, the girls learnt the benefits of collaboration in theatre, and the basics of putting on a production. For some of them, it was the first time they have performed in front of a large audience in a theatrical production. The work in lessons on this topic encourages students to work as an ensemble, rather than promote individual talents – there is no ‘star’ in this production, all 124 performers are stars. 

The production was a wonderful celebration of collaborative work and such a cheerful way to end the term. Congratulations to the girls on their outstanding work, and our thanks to the Drama, Music and PE departments for putting the play together.