
News The Sunday Times Independent Secondary School of the Year 2020 28.02.2020

We are absolutely delighted to be named The Sunday Times Independent Secondary School of the Year 2020 – one of the most prestigious awards in UK education – after placing second in their national league tables. This is a wonderful achievement and recognises our success in this year’s public examinations, the excellence of the all-round education we offer, and our commitment to our partnership and outreach programmes.

Announcing the award, Alastair McCall, editor of The Sunday Times Schools Guide ‘Parent Power’ wrote, ‘A stellar year academically has seen Godolphin and Latymer scale new heights in our independent school rankings. The girls flourish in an environment that nurtures success, but one that is not overbearing. For its academic success and its social conscience, Godolphin and Latymer is a worthy winner of our Independent Secondary School of the Year award’.

The Sunday Times ‘Parent Power’ had special mention for our ‘Bridge’ enrichment programme for Year 5 state primary school pupils, which will begin in January, saying, ‘The initiative aims to widen access to the kind of elite education that Godolphin and Latymer delivers so successfully’.

After visiting the school and meeting Dr Ramsey, the Sunday Times wrote:

‘A purposeful, unfussy atmosphere permeates Godolphin and Latymer, where the school grounds echo with a background hum of busy chatter as well as the thwack of hockey stick on ball. Facilities are outstanding without being showy and everything is on-campus, even the Astroturf sports pitches and outdoor netball courts. 

‘The bright girls who get in to Godolphin and Latymer are nurtured academically with a focus on teaching and learning that encourages them to understand their own study habits, and to always think about the next step. 

‘Godolphin and Latymer is “seen as a school that gets the results but remains grounded”, believes Ramsey, “It’s not a place for queen bees”. Instead girls “are very considerate and supportive of each other”. 

‘The balance is catnip to parents who want their clever daughters to thrive academically without sacrificing the pastoral side’, says the Sunday Times.

Dr Frances Ramsey congratulated staff and students saying, ‘The accolade is very well deserved by the girls, their teachers and our support staff; and I am particularly proud that it recognises our commitment to social inclusivity and to the ethos and values which shape so warmly the character of our school community’.

Please click here to read an extract of the printed and online edition of the Sunday Times Parent Power.