
News Sixth Form Roundup 18.10.2019

It has been a busy but fun week in the Sixth Form as half-term approaches. Tuesday saw our last set of enrichment talks for this half-term, this week covering topics from the history of Cartography to the rise of Artificial Intelligence. It was a brilliant final flourish to our enrichment programme for this half term and we look forward to our final set of lectures in December; huge thanks to all the members of staff involved who have delivered talks on such diverse and engaging topics.

On Wednesday, it was time to relax over the Sixth Form Breakfast, an event involving all students, all tutors, lots of breakfast goodies and of course, a competitive quiz. With rounds from film knowledge to a vocabulary challenge, we were very impressed with the winning score of 41 out of 45 points!

Thursday saw the return of the ‘Swap a Book’ Café: students brought in an old favourite book from home, browsed the collection on offer over tea and coffee, and took away a new title to get their teeth into – a perfect way to line up some holiday reading!

A big well done to all our Sixth Formers for coming to the end of an incredibly successful half term and we wish them the best for their break.