
Ancient World Breakfast Club

The Godolphin and Latymer Ancient World Breakfast Club (AWBC) was established in 2005 as a weekly lecture series to promote the study of the ancient world among members of the wider community. Since that time, interest has grown considerably – membership is currently around 200 people – and the club has developed a fine reputation for attracting distinguished speakers on many and varied topics to do with the ancient world. Undaunted by the early hour – or perhaps lured by the promise of yoghurt and muesli, croissants and coffee – enthusiasts of all ages join us at 7.30am for an 8.00am start, each Friday of term for their weekly dose of intellectual edification. No prior knowledge of Greek, Latin, or the classical world is required. For further information, please email: office@godolphinandlatymer.com

For more information about the club, including information for members (and prospective members), please choose one of the links below.