
News Social Impact Prize 03.05.2019

This week saw the culmination of the projects for the Social Impact Prize, where students presented their ideas to our judging panel which included Dr Ramsey, governor Oliver Waring and members of the Khemka family, who initiated and very generously sponsored the project.

Students could make an individual or group submission and were asked to design a social impact project and submit a detailed proposal outlining the objectives, how it would be implemented, and the likely costs. The projects needed to show evidence of having real potential to improve the lives of others and to achieve maximum impact, and to have the potential to be sustained beyond their time at the school.

Ideas ranged from running weekly after-school clubs, expanding the ‘Ocean Matters’ club into other schools, supporting an end to period poverty, developing an academic mentoring programme, starting up a Youth Choir in North Kensington, creating a Food Bank App and designing the ‘Creating with Dementia’ programme.

Mr Uday Khemka commented on the quality of the projects and the heartfelt sincerity to create positive change in the girls’ ideas. After judging Eton’s submissions earlier in the week, Mr Khemka quipped how “women will run the world” after seeing first-hand the girls’ passion for their projects.

With so many fantastic entries, the judges were forced into creating a separate Senior and Junior prize and encouraged those who were unsuccessful to continue to develop their ideas and reapply next year. Congratulations to Upper Sixth student Daisy who was awarded the Senior prize for ‘Creating with Dementia’ and to Tara, Josie, Lavinia and Ella who won the Junior prize for ‘Ocean Matters’.

We wish them the best of luck and look forward to regular updates on how their projects are progressing.