
Primary School PartnershipsHelping local children in local schools

A significant part of our service to others is our support for local primary schools under our Primary Schools Partnership Programme. The support that we offer is tailored to each school to ensure it has the most impact for their students.

Pupils from West London Free School Primary and Earls Court Free School Primary use our sports facilities every Monday morning, and we partner with the London Youth Games to run trials for the Hammersmith and Fulham Primary netball and hockey teams.

Our Sixth Formers also run the Latin Club at John Betts Primary School and pupils from local primary schools are regularly invited to watch our drama productions and attend specialist science lessons and science workshops and demonstrations by organisation such as the Science Museum.


UKMT Primary Maths Teams Challenge

This enrichment event is such a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to gain experience working with different schools at a competitive level and more importantly, the process of preparation and applying their mathematical skills and knowledge at this event. Parents, pupils and I have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and it was marvellous to observe their team spirit and collegiate relationships when supporting each other. Simply wonderful to witness; thank you for this.
Headteacher, Hampden Gurney Primary School
